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Showing posts from July, 2018

How to draw a face?

Here’s a simple way to place the features accurately when drawing a head. First draw a vertical line down the middle of the face. Then draw a horizontal line halfway between the top of the head and the bottom of the jaw, on which to align the position of the eyes. Halfway between the eyes and the chin place the base of the nose; and halfway between the base of the nose and the chin place the center line of the mouth Remember the space between the eyes is the same as the length of another eye. The length of the ear is the same as the distance between the top of the eye and the base of the nose. The width of the mouth will correspond with the distance between the eyes when they are focused straight ahead. i hope you will like these face drawings

KASHI ART CAFE - Art, coffee & conversation.

Kashi Art Café draw the attention of me because of its awesome ambience and good food. Located at Burger Street near Delta Study School, this café is open every day from 8:30 am to 10 pm. Breakfast and evening hours are the best time to come and try some of the main dishes here like Spinach Mushroom Cheese Omelets, French Toast, and Fresh Sprout Salad(my favourite)😊 You must try this.. Decorated in a classy style,  Kashi Art Café  has an exhibition room for paintings and sculptors. These contemporary art works are changed once in two months’ time. After browsing through them you can enter the dining area and find that the wonders offered by this restaurant do not end just with a few pictures.   They have two spacious dining areas. The first one a Kerala style small hall with an open ceiling and space in the middle filled with gravel and surrounded by concrete tables and benches. The second dining area is set in a semi-open space decked up with sleek furniture. Potted plants kept ins

Explore Kochi/Fort kochi.

Things to See in Fort Kochi Fort Kochi used to be the center of colonial activities and had seen the Portuguese, Dutch and the British invading the land. Even before these European forces, Kochi had seen Arab, Jewish and Chinese traders as well. All these people have left their marks in this land. The best way to experience them all is to explore the area by walking. Where to stay in Fort Kochi Fort Kochi is kind of the homestay capital of India. One can find a homestay in almost any streets in Fort Kochi. So if you are more than one person, homestays and budget hotels will be the best option.  Sowparnika Hermitage  is one such lovely homestay that I personally know. If you are a solo traveler or a hostel person,  Happy Camper Hostel  is a good choice. I’ve been associated with them for some time as well., Airbnb, hostelworld can give you a good idea about where to stay in Kochi. Where to Eat in Fort Kochi I will list down very few options here. Cafe: Kashi Art Cafe

Pencil Shading Techniques

The pencil shading exercise explored on this page is called 'graduated tone'. It is a drawing technique which can be used to create a strong sense of space and form. It is a very useful skill to develop for both pencil and color pencil drawings. Use a darker grade (B or 2B) of pencil for your shading. Lighter grades (H, 2H etc.) will not give enough depth to your darkest tones.Just start by shading the area you wish to be dark and slowly build up the tone. As you work towards the light, gradually ease the pressure on your pencil until you can no longer see the mark it makes.You then patiently repeat this process several times, building up a depth to the shading, adjusting any irregular areas and trying to keep the tonal changes as smooth as possible until you achieve the variation and intensity of tone that you desire.


Whenever you take a photograph in or around nature, it’s useful to expose on any part of the scene that is green, then underexpose it by two thirds. For example, for the photograph below, the exposure was taken from the green leaves to the left of the flowers. I then underexposed the shot by 2/3 , refocused on the flower and took the shot. As the camera was set on manual, the shutter speed (exposure) stayed as it was when exposed on the green leaves. Usually when you refocus on the subject you want to take a photo of, the camera will tell you the exposure is wrong. Ignore this and take the shot anyway. In most cases, it will result in a nicely exposed, detailed photograph.

Fashion Photoshoot - Kochi

Our first photoshoot took place in an open road with a greenish background . We used the big window as a backlight to create a dreamy mood. For front lighting we used a strobe. Then for the finishing touch we overexposed the scene.